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Experience the Camp Watson Woods Difference

Achievement Focused Programming

Achievement is at the forefront of everything we do at Camp Watson Woods. We believe that children can challenge themselves in so many areas. This is why Camp Watson Woods offers our Skill Tags to every camper to recognize their achievement in activity areas and character development. Every day your camper will come home with stories of how they achieved! 

You'll See the Difference, We Guarantee It!

two kids smiling in the smurf turf at Camp Watson Woods

At Camp Watson Woods, we are dedicated to developing strong relationships with our camp families. Many wonderful things happen at Camp Watson Woods, and we want you to know about everyone. Our staff of enthusiastic counselors will make sure that you know about your child's day when you arrive for pick up. In addition, we are dedicated to enhancing the parent experience by offering a Day Camp specific gallery of online photos. View great shots of the camp experience without even being here! 

Let Us Take Care of Lunch

We believe that a camper's experience is shaped by the community we create. Every day, our campers and staff come together for mealtimes to sing songs, cheer, and give us the energy we need for the day. We utilize the local school lunch program to ensure healthy and well-rounded lunches and snacks throughout the day. Children will have options to choose between. Lunches such as salad and pizza, sun butter and jelly sandwiches, along with fruit, vegetables, and mil. Parents always have the option to pack their campers a lunch that adheres to our nut-free facility policy or receive camp's lunch at no additional cost.

What's so great about Camp Watson Woods?

Campers in our day camp can explore a variety of different activities during their day. Whether they're climbing to the top of our 40ft rock wall, hitting the bullseye at archery, jumping on our 60ft jumping pillow, or playing in the creek, their day will be packed with fun activities. 

Quality Staff

Camp Watson Woods boasts a group of extremely dedicated full-time and seasonal staff. Many of our staff members attended camp as campers and we are thrilled that over 60% of our staff return each summer. In addition to three reference checks, Camp Watson Woods completes a rigorous criminal background check on every potential staff member before being offered employment. 

A Community That Cares

Friendships blossom through encouragement and challenge in the camp community. Let your child be a part of something that encourages children to accept everyone.

Swimming at the Corning Family YMCA

We understand the immense value swimming holds for both our campers and their parents, which is why we're delighted to announce that campers will be able to swim this summer! Whether it's mastering swimming skills or fun games with friends, we promise that this will be fun for all. Transportation will be available to and from the Corning Family YMCA.

Please note: Campers will swim Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the end of the camp day at Watson Woods and before the start of After Care. Each group will have approximately 35 minutes to swim. Campers must pass the deep end test to enter the deep end area. Campers who do not pass will remain in the zero-entry pool area.




Frequently Asked Questions

Day Camp Dates and Rates

Camp Watson Woods Sessions 

Coming Soon!

Camp Watson Woods Rates

Coming Soon!

Billing & Experience Scholarships

Pricing & Billing

As a cause-driven organization with a deep commitment to the community it serves, the Y strives to provide all kids with an opportunity to attend our camps. Sharing the common goal to make programs and services available to as many as possible while maximizing availability of assistance we offer our Experience Scholarship.

Once you complete your enrollment registration, the final page will show standard pricing and deposit information. 

Please note: Families requesting an Experience Scholarship or Subsidy Funding will receive an adjusted deposit amount once the registration is reviewed. 

At the time of registration, there must be a payment card on file to complete the required amount of the 10% for each week along with a one-time registration fee of $25. The same card is also used for any weekly auto draft payments. Deposits are charged at the time of registration.

Standard Registration Fee $25 per Camper
Experience Scholarship Recipients $10 per session, per Camper

A 10% sibling discount will be applied after one camper is registered at full price. The sibling discount cannot be applied with an Experience Scholarship. 

The payment method included in your registration is used to draft the required deposits. We require a card on file for all families. 

Registering with Experience Scholarship

If you have already received an Experience Scholarship within the last 12 months, you do not need to reapply. Please contact our office at 607-962-0541 and speak with our Camp Director, Logan Wilson. You can also email.

Experience Scholarships are made available through generous donations to the YMCA's Annual Campaign. The amount of assistance granted is based on individual need and family circumstances. All camper Experience Scholarship applications are processed on a first come, first serve basis. 

Experience Scholarship paperwork is available after February 1 in your Parent Portal in Camp Brain. Experience Scholarships are limit.

  • An application can be completed prior to completing your Experience Scholarship application.
  • If registration is received prior to February 1, your child will still qualify for the Camper Council if spots are still available. 
  • When completing your application, you must use your 2023 taxes. 
    • Support documents should be uploaded with the form upon submission. If we need additional documents, we will request those via email. 
  • Once you have submitted your completed Experience Scholarship application and registration, please allow up to 30 business days (about 4 and a half weeks) for your Experience Scholarship application to be processed. You will be contacted via email once it has been processed. 

Please note: When submitting your registration, please ensure you answer the Experience Scholarship request question accordingly.

The final screen will show the full price for camp. The camp Billing & Registration specialist will review your Experience Scholarship application and adjust accordingly based on your supporting documents.

A 10% deposit per camper for sessions 1-10 and the $25 per camper registration fee. Deposits will be drafted at the time the registration request is processed. Please note we are unable to pro-rate weekly camp fees for any reason other than a legal holiday. We require written notice of session cancellation 14 days in advance of the session start date for refunds. You will be refunded the session tuition, less the initial deposit, and registration fee. Cancellations received fewer than 14 days in advance of a session beginning will result in no refunds or credits without a medical reason verified by your child’s pediatrician.

Day Camp Procedures

Camp Day

Camp day runs from 8 am-4:30 pm. Campers will have an opportunity to swim two days a week, weather permitting. The Y is committed to healthy living and modeling healthy eating. A healthy afternoon snack will be provided for all campers.

Please note: Parents are responsible for informing the camp office in writing of all changes to camper registration. Changes will not be accepted over the phone.

Extended Camper Care

Extended morning care begins at 7 am and afternoon extended care is available until 6 pm. Extended care is available at no extra charge or additional registration to campers.

Drop off Policy

Parents can drop their children off at Camp Watson Woods or take advantage of transportation from the Corning Family Branch. Parents and guardians are not permitted beyond the check in table.

Pick up Policy

Anyone picking up a camper must be listed on the child’s Authorized Pick Up List and must have either:

  • A be listed as an authorized pick up. Please note that you may still be asked for a valid photo ID.

  • A valid photo ID. Acceptable forms of ID include Driver’s license or state non-driver ID, passport or military ID, or an employment identification card.

If you are utilizing transportation from the Corning Family YMCA: please enter the back doors of the YMCA and wait for the child to be checked in and sent with their assigned unit.

If a child is not picked up, YMCA staff will notify authorized individuals for pick up. If they cannot be reached within 2 hours of scheduled pick-up time, the Steuben County Protective Agency will be notified. There is a charge of $1.00 per minute for any child remaining after 6 pm.

Camp Watson Woods families should use their CampBrain Parent Portal. If a last-minute change or addition to your authorized pick-ups is necessary, please contact the camp director or camp coordinator to inform them of this change. If an unauthorized individual attempts to gain access to a child, the parent/guardian or emergency contact will be notified. Law enforcement will be contacted if necessary. Please note that a parent, regardless of custodial arrangements, has the authority to obtain a child from camp at any time unless a copy of the Court Order is on file with the camp office.

Late Arrival and Early Pick Up

Please provide written notice if you need to pick up your child prior to 4 pm. Please be aware that due to the nature of the camp property, it’s likely your child’s group will not be in the immediate area of the camp office.

Unusual arrivals and departures close to regular arrival/departure time will result in delays.

Email daily changes directly to your camp.


Please notify the camp if your child will be absent.

Sick Child Policy

Please do not send your child to camp if they are sick and/or running a fever. If a child becomes ill at camp, a parent or person authorized to pick up will be contacted to pick up the child. Children must be symptom free for at least 24 hours before returning to camp. A doctor’s note may be required. Medical reasons for your child to remain home include but are not limited to:

  • A temperature of 100.4 or more.
  • Persistent nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
  • Heavy nasal or eye discharge.
  • Any questionable rash or skin condition: This can include chicken pox, poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac, etc.
  • Any communicable diseases: This can include conjunctivitis, herpes virus which causes cold sores, lice, etc.

Campers Walking/Biking to Camp

If your child will be walking or biking to and from camp, please send a signed note to the camp office with specific days and dates that this is permitted. Please remind your child to sign out with their counselors before departing each day. Please note: New York State law requires that children have proper safety equipment (i.e. helmet) to ride a bike.

Cell Phone and Electronics

Camp is a cell phone and electronics free zone. If cell phones come to camp, they must remain safely in a backpack. The YMCA is not responsible for the loss or damage of any personal item. If a camper is continually reminded to put their cell phone away, staff may take the phone and lock it safely in the camp office.

Rainy Days

Campers will take part in a fully scheduled program of activities regardless of weather. We are prepared with a rainy-day schedule for each group which focuses on crafts, group games, and special events. Be sure to dress campers appropriately for the weather.

Lost and Found

The YMCA of Greater Rochester limits items held in lost and found after each camp session ends. We want to be mindful of safe storage space and how to prevent exposure of staff and campers from items, week to week. As such, camp will only hold the following specific list of items:

  • Jackets/Sweatshirts
  • Water Bottles (with names on them)
  • Prescription glasses, durable medical equipment, prescription medication
  • Shoes
  • Backpacks
  • Swimsuit/towel

Camp will keep these items for no longer than 2 weeks from the end of the session. After this time, these items will be donated or thrown away. Please note that these items will be held at the discretion of camp staff. Items soiled, damaged, or otherwise deemed unable to be safely stored will be disposed of.

The list of items camp will not hold on to includes socks and underwear, hats, water bottles (without names), sunglasses, toys, arts and crafts projects including tie dye.

Campers will have unit and sub-unit spaces to help campers maintain their belongings and help staff identify misplaced items during the camp session. We highly encourage parents to label all items with their camper’s name to help our staff identify items during the camp session. Many items look similar, and it can be confusing for both staff and campers.

Please do not send campers with stuffed animals, toys, blankets, or other items from home. Items like jewelry can be easily lost or damaged. Electronics, including phones, are not permitted to be used at camp. Phones will be confiscated and returned to families at the end of the day if campers are using them. Camp is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen items—including confiscated phones.

After the camp session ends, if one of the listed items is missing, please contact a the camp to see if it has been found and to arrange a pickup.

Camp Inspection

YMCA Camps are permitted to operate by the New York State Department of Health. We are inspected twice annually. Reports are filed with Steuben County Department of Health.


Campers who wish to swim in designated deep-end water areas must pass the deep-end test. Campers that are unable to complete the deep-end test and do not meet the height requirements will be required to wear a life jacket and remain in the shallow end while swimming. Deep End swimmers are required to take the Deep End Test every summer.

Camp Units

Campers are grouped by age and have daily activities tailored for each group.

Camp Watson Woods Units Age Camper is by June 2025
Sapling 3-5 years old
Maple 5-6 years old
Spruce 7-8 years old
Pine 9-11 years old
Aspen 12-14 years old
What to Pack

Packing List

Children should arrive at camp every day with the following items:

  • A camp bag for all camp stuff

  • A refillable water bottle

  • Lunch* (please note: Camp Watson Woods provides breakfast, lunch, and a snack.)

  • Swimsuit and towel

  • Plastic bag for wet clothes

  • Extra set of clothing

  • Sunscreen and bug spray

  • Sneakers (closed-toed shoes are required for many camp activities)

  • Rain Gear (weather permitting)

  • All belongings should be labeled with your child’s first and last name

Prohibited Items

The following items will be confiscated by YMCA staff and held in the office for parents to retrieve at the end of the camp day.

  • Tobacco, alcohol, drugs

  • Trading/playing cards

  • Valuables. The YMCA of Greater Rochester is not responsible for lost or stolen items

  • Personal toys or games

  • Weapons

  • Candy, gum, or cough drops (due to food allergies, campers should not bring candy or snacks to share)

  • Animals

  • Lighters or matches


As the YMCA of Greater Rochester, we are committed to healthy living in all our programs. Camp Watson Woods partners with Corning Painted Post School district to provide lunches for all campers at no additional cost. If you do opt to pack your child a lunch, we ask that you follow the below guidelines when packing your camper's lunch each day:

  • We recommend including whole grains, healthy proteins, and fresh fruits and vegetables in your camper's lunch.

  • Be sure to pack an ice pack if your camper's lunch needs to be kept cool.

  • Do not send items that require reheating or cooking.

  • Do not send campers with soda or candy.

Campers will eat lunch at their designated unit area. They will wash their hands before entering the eating area. Should a camper need help with their meal; opening packages, staff will assist while wearing gloves.

Snacks will be single-serve items and handed out by gloved camp staff. Campers should bring their own personal, reusable water bottle.

Sunscreen and Inspect Repellent

All campers should apply sunscreen and insect repellent in the morning before arriving. Staff will assist campers with reapplying their sunscreen and insect repellent after swim periods. To comply with child abuse protection guidelines, the application of sunscreen will take place in an open setting. We recommend that each camper keep their own bottle of sunscreen and insect repellent in their backpack labeled with their first and last name. Because campers spend a large part of the day outside, we recommend campers wear a hat to protect them from the sun.

Medical Information


It is preferred that prescription medications be administered at home whenever possible.

All medications, both prescription and over the counter, dispensed at camp require a Medication Consent Form/Special Health Care Plan to be completed by the parent/guardian and the child’s physician. This form can be found on our website or obtained by calling the office number.

Camper medication may be dropped off the week prior to camp starting or given directly to the camp coordinator or Camp Director during the camp season. All medication must be in its original container and clearly labeled with the campers' first and last name. Medications will not be accepted if they do not meet those requirements.

Campers with special care needs, including severe allergic reactions, asthma, or physical limitations must submit a special health care plan on the parent portal. We also encourage a one-on-one meeting prior to the campers' start date with the camp coordinator and/or Director.

Immunization History

New York State Department of Health requires each camp to keep a current copy of every camper’s immunization history on file in order to attend. Upload all immunization forms once, then you only have to upload immunization forms when they have been updated. A complete copy of your child’s immunization history should be submitted to the YMCA by June 1, 2025. Campers without an immunization history on file will not be permitted to attend.

You can submit official immunization records the following ways:

  1. Upload a photo or scanned copy into the Forms section in the parent portal

  2. Send a copy via email to your camps email listed below


Our staff is trained in handling a variety of emergency situations. In the event of an emergency, we will make every attempt to notify parents immediately. If necessary, emergency transportation will be handled by local emergency services.

Behavior Expectations & Policies

Behavior Policies

All YMCA Camp programs strive to use discipline in a fair, nurturing manner. Punitive methods are not acceptable. The YMCA takes considerable pride in guiding children to become successful and happy individuals who are learning to independently have a good relationship with others. This is achieved through the following:

  • Role Modeling: Effectively exemplifies good qualities needed for acceptance in a group.

  • Positive Reinforcement: To encourage repetition of good behavior.

  • Reinforcing Problem Solving Skills: These include settling disagreements with aggressiveness, predicting consequences, thinking of the feelings of others, etc.

  • Reason and Logic: Helping children to think through a problem and find the solution that works best for everyone concerned.

Any camper who commits an act of physical aggression or gross disobedience will complete a behavior incident report with camp staff. Reports will be shared with the child’s parents/guardians, and may result in any of the following actions as determined by the camp director or director designee:

  • First Offense: Parents will be contacted, and the child will be suspended for the next day of camp.

  • Second Offense: Child will be suspended from camp for the remainder of the session.

  • Third Offense: Child will be expelled from camp for the remainder of the summer.

There will be no refund or fees or deposits for days a camper is suspended. Please go over these policies with your children. Expectations for behavior and consequences will be reviewed on an ongoing basis over the summer, but your cooperation is needed to ensure that each camper's right to have a safe and happy environment is attained.

Parental Code of Conduct

We understand that when it comes to your children, an emotional response is sometimes hard to avoid. However, we ask you to understand that we are doing our best to ensure all children have a positive experience in a safe environment while at camp. We evaluate each situation or conflict as objectively as possible and assess the event of each incident, keeping in mind each child’s part in the issue. Our goal with all incidents is to react as quickly and efficiently as possible to ensure we are moving forward and learning from it. Both as an organization and for all parties involved, our goal is to improve and prevent further incidents.

There are very few one-sided incidents and to successfully address a situation, we must look at each child’s part and gather all the facts. When speaking with you, we exercise the confidentiality of everyone concerned and can only provide information pertinent to your child. Staff cannot provide any personal information about other children/parents involved in a situation. We ask that you work with us to reinforce concerns brought forward and help by offering positive solutions to your child to avoid conflict in the future.

Just as we expect your child to respect the facility, our mission, and our staff working within it, we ask you to do the same. Remember there are impressionable ears everywhere in our facilities and as an adult, you have a responsibility to express yourself accordingly. Bullying occurs at all ages, and we will not respond to parents who attempt to intimidate our staff with threats of any kind.

Please speak appropriately and refrain from using threatening words, tone of voice, gestures, foul language, sexually inappropriate comments, and physical contact with our staff. Please be aware that aggression of threatening behavior of any kind could affect your child’s eligibility to attend our program. Such behavior will not be tolerated, and authorities will be contacted.

Goals and Outcomes

Quality youth development programming is not just the proper ratio of counselors to youth or a clean camp; it is a commitment to meeting the social, emotional, and developmental needs of youth. Moreover, its staff provide high quality services for all youth.

Our goals are as follows:

  • To welcome all youth and provide high-quality services regardless of socio/economic background.

  • To support the growth and development of all youth, focusing on Social and emotional skills.

    • Self-awareness, confidence, and feelings of self-worth.

    • Interpersonal relationships.

    • Academic achievement.

    • Physical skills.

    • Health and nutrition.

    • To deliver programs in a positive YMCA environment of enrichment, safety, and support, focusing on:

      • Broadening the community, national, and world understanding of youth and parents including experiences that foster exposure to ethnic and cultural diversity.

      • Conducting the program in accordance with core YMCA operating principles and philosophy. o Implementing and delivering Character Development programs.

      • Eradicating the Achievement Gap.

      • Ensuring safety for all.

The most crucial factor in attaining these goals is the staff's commitment and dedication to providing high-quality programs.

The camp programming is a progressive program model, age requirements are applied to different camp activities. Some camp activities do require testing such as the Deep End test. For specific information about your campers' age and the activities they are eligible for, contact the camp office.