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Are you a member of the YMCA?

If you would like to register for private swim please check out our membership options!


Participant Information

Please list the participant's first name, last name, and age. If you are looking to enroll in a small group private lesson, please list all names and ages.

Participate Name
Name 2
Name 3
Name 4

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian Name
Is this a continuation of current scheduled lessons?
If no preferred instructor, do you prefer a:

What, if any, specific goals do you have for the student?

Accommodations and Support

Should the swimmer benefit from specialized or differentiated instruction, it is important for us to gather information about methods, tools and other considerations to provide an instructor match and high-quality swim instruction

Does the swimmer benefit from any specialized or differentiated instruction?
Does the student use any communication devices?
Is the student able to independently enter and exit the pool?